Holiday shipping tips for 2020

With COVID numbers up and in-person shopping numbers down, Americans are going to be shopping online and mailing packages and presents to each other in record numbers this year. 2020 has been ‘different’ in general; but this holiday season – they’ll be really different.

Today, we’re going to share some holiday present shipping tips with you so that you’ll be prepared for what’s to come; making sure that you hit deadlines and are aware of some of the challenges you’ll be faced with this season. But don’t fret – as long as you stick to some of these tips, you shouldn’t have any issues getting your gifts to your loved ones in time for the holidays. Let’s jump right in!

Put your list together – then put together a list of shipping deadlines

If you’re someone who likes to procrastinate when it comes to holiday shopping; trust us, we get it! But this year, you’ll have to be on the ball. With supply chains slowed down, there will be more limited supplies of everything – meaning that if you’re not in on the rush for certain things, you’ll be left out in the cold. 

Make sure that when you see high priority items on someone’s holiday list, that you find out when that item’s particular deadline is for shipping. Not only will there be a lower supply, but it will take longer to get things from A to B. Make sure you’ve got your deadlines in hand and items purchased in time. 

Seek out strategies for shipping faster

Don’t just rely on the US postal service or UPS. Especially if you’re shipping local – give strong consideration to using a courier service. It may cost you a little bit more, but you can rest assured that not only will your package get exactly to where it needs to go; but it’ll also get there on time; perhaps even substantially faster than more traditional methods. The truth is – everyone is going to be a little backed up this year, but the USPS and UPS, specifically. Be open to trying something new. 

Factor in time for returns

The holiday season is a high-volume time for everyone in the postal/shipping industry. With this spike comes an increase in returns as well. While these companies all do everything they possibly can to cut down on these errors, they will inevitably happen. Be sure that if you’re shipping anything, that you factor in time for returns – which is usually an additional 5-7 days. That way if you get something that’s not what you ordered or what you had hoped for – that you’ll have plenty of time to react the way that you need to.

Package for safety

Make sure that whenever you’re sending anything, that you take the time to pack the package appropriately and safely. Like we said before – this is a high-volume time of year for shipping parcels and your package will be handled with many other people’s valuables. Whenever you’re dealing in higher volume, the more likely there is for something to go wrong. If it’s fragile – pack it carefully! If it needs to be facing a certain way – make sure it says it on the outside of the box. Make sure that you properly prepare your package to be sent on its way.

This holiday season will be unusually challenging for all of us in a number of ways. Hopefully these tips will help keep your holidays on track and as enjoyable and stress free as possible. Good luck and have a happy, healthy and safe holiday season!

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